Constant dynamic training that prepares horses for the sports events may demand a change in their ration. It should be highly concentrated and easy to digest. It is also essential to establish a daily schedule that balances training and rest.

Training solutions

  • Nutrition control: you can monitor what, when and how much the horse ate via the Feed platform
  • Regularly monitor the horse’s condition: by using feeding programs and monitoring the environmental indicators from the stable, collected by a monitoring platform
  • Record and analyse data: information is kept on your personal account where you can monitor the dynamics of changes
  • Online consultations with specialists: you can contact a specialist (the one you chose in the system) via your personal account, and provide them with selective information about a specific horse. The data is collected and stored in the EHOSS ecosystem
  • The possibility to adjust the horse's diet according to the training program: according to the recommendations of the specialists/ your personal program or according to the programs available within the EHOSS ecosystem, depending on what the horse is being prepared for.
  • Quick access to the data of the EHOSS ecosystem, because the platforms are easy to use: you can do all of the above using your personal account or a mobile application.
  • Sufficient supply of purified and chopped hay: you can pack the feed in advance and feed it to the horse when travelling, so the horse’s usual diet doesn't change.